Friday, June 6, 2008

3 Factors Improve Your Search Engine Rankings

by: David Callan
No web site can afford to ignore search engine rankings. Not with well over 70 per cent of the traffic that finds its’ way to sites coming from search engines. The higher your search engine ranking, the more traffic you will receive, it is a simple as that. Yet getting and maintaining high search engine page ranking is no simple matter. It usually takes a lot of hard work and consistency to achieve good search engine page rankings. Here are three key factors that you should constantly keep in mind for improved search engine rankings.

1. Content Is King As Far As Search Engines Are Concerned
Much has been said about content. The fact is that content is the currency used by search engines. Without good, useful content, you are basically going nowhere. It doesn’t matter how good your site is or how effective your search engine optimization efforts are.
It is advisable to have lots of content throughout your site and not just any well-written content, but keyword rich content. Another useful tip here is to do a regular search of sites that are similar to yours and to take a close look at their articles for ideas that you can implement at your own web site. There are a number of reasons why content is so important to the success of a web site and continued high search engine rankings. When all is said and done, web sites are in an open market where the customer is king. High page rankings are capable of getting you lots of traffic, but to sustain that high traffic and keep a healthy volume of repeat visitors, there has to be good well-written and extremely useful content at your site. This healthy volume of targeted traffic is what will also keep your reciprocal links growing.

Effective content for web sites must also go with catchy headlines that will encourage click throughs to other pages on your sites and basically keep visitors around at your site for as long as possible. Many webmasters and site owners often forget the importance of good engrossing headlines. Yet another useful tip is to post some of your content at other high-traffic web sites all over the net. This will do two main things that are useful to your search engine page rankings and traffic volumes (which is the whole objective in the first place). Firstly it will create lots of links back to your site through the article resource box at the bottom of each article which should point people back to your site for more information. Secondly it will drive targeted traffic to your site which is critical in helping you maintain high page rankings by helping to steadily increase links pointing to your site.

2. Your web site URL
Not everybody is in a position to change this, but if you are, always remember that your web site URL can make a great difference to your ranking with search engines. That is if you are able to name your site after your keywords. Admittedly, this is not a very easy thing to achieve. To start with it depends on a lot of factors. Including how competitive your main web site keyword is. The less competitive the keyword, the bigger an impact it will tend to have on your search engine rankings. You will of course also need to bare in mind the usual factors that impact the naming of any business.

For example getting a name that is easy to remember. In the online world, easy to spell is also a major factor because quite often visitors will have to write out your URL name on a search engine or as a URL to get to your site. If by any chance you are registering a new domain name or are in a position to change, then think long and hard about your name while bearing in mind the fact that it will make a huge difference in your search engine page rankings.

3. Your Page Title Matters A Lot
Most webmasters make their page titles too casually and rather carelessly when you consider how important they can be in page rankings. The title of your page is actually very important. Try and keep your page titles very specific to each page while making use of keywords. The magic about being specific is that the competition becomes very minimal and chances of your particular page being found through search engines becomes very high because it will usually rank high.

The more pages in your web site that rank high in search engines, the better for you because you will receive much more traffic. It is no accident that sites that have many pages tend to receive much more traffic than sites with fewer pages.

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